“Just One More”
IS Controlling Your Life
And if you can’t say no, you’ll sacrifice a lot more than your bottom line.
One more Call
One More Night Away From the Kids

One More Meeting
One more argument with your wife
One More Email
One more missed round of golf
One More Sale
More anxiety and loneliness

It’s Time To Take Back Control
What would life look like if you found more time for your golf game, more nights at home with the kids, more date nights with the wife ... all while making your business better?
Through a proven method of journal-based coaching, I help men get real about their priorities so that they can do more of what they love most.

Hey, I’m Kyle, Frame of Mind Certified Coach
By 30 years old, I was a VP on a team who took the company from $9 to $55 million. From the outside, it looked like success. But my “success” started and ended at work.
My physical and mental health was in the dump. My kids took the back seat. I was drinking too much. And, I cheated on my wife.
I get it, most people wouldn’t admit to something like that in a first meeting (much less put it on the homepage of their website). But it happened, and I hate that it did. Everything I said was important in life didn’t reflect the way I was living. In fact, they were entire universes apart.
It took an extremely talented coach to help me get real about who I was, what I actually wanted, and bring the clarity on how to achieve it. Growth is a journey, not a destination; but having a coach on this journey changed everything for me — and I want to help you do the same.
Getting Real Is Your Key

Ready To Get Real?


Real Results, Real Change
Intensive Coaching for Intense Ambition
10-Week Journaling Course

Maintenance Coaching
For clients who have completed the 10-week journaling course and want ongoing support.

Stop Work From Controlling Your Life